Enable your desires

You can easily identify a worthy desire as something that often pops up in your head as something you would like to see done. Other desires come and go and don't come back again, but the desires that repeat and repeat are worth fulfilling.

When you have such a desire, you may be dissuaded by the number of steps to fulfill that desire. Here is one thing you can do to reduce that gulf.

Next time you think of that desire, think of one step you can take right now to get closer to it, and then take it. That step could be one of a number of things: it could be purchasing materials, removing an obstacle, or other things.

Once you have that simple single task, complete it. Preferably you thought of a simple task that only takes a few minutes to do, or is only one trip to the store.

Next time you encounter that desire, you can repeat this process: either bring one more piece to the table or remove one obstacle, or whatever is needed.

Eventually, you will run out of preliminary steps, and the way to fulfill the desire will simply be sitting in front of you, waiting to be completed in a short time.


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