
Showing posts from September, 2019

Remembering things at the right time

When you need to remember many things and, like me, you have a lousy memory, you need reminders. Thanks to modern technology, we have computers in our pocket that can help us. One modern convenience is to download an app that will specifically ring an alarm when you are near a location when GPS is turned on. I don't have any examples to share, but they are out there. For me, I prefer not to have my location tracked if I can help it (even it is anyway). For awhile, I had a list of reminders that I would set for various days and times, but when tasks pile up, that becomes a lot of work to manage. I came up with new way to organize myself to make things easier. I have general alarms that go off at opportune times and give a list of things to do. For example, I have an alarm that goes off around 4pm to remind me of things to do on the way from work to home. I have a second one that goes off around 8pm and has chores that need attention. I hope this helps someone with their re