
Showing posts from March, 2021

Thoughts on "Spark and Grind": March 25 2021

After some absence, I will make an effort to share thoughts on a book I've been listening to called The Spark and the Grind, Ignite the Power of Disciplined Creativity by Erik Wahl ( ) As a brief intro, I like to listen to audiobooks while walking, and sometimes I come across interesting or insightful thoughts. I am sharing some of these thoughts here today, and hope to continue to do so in the near future. To start with, as a reference, the book refers to an idea or inspiration as "spark", and after the initial spark, the work done on it as the "grind". When you are able to work an idea into something rewarding, it is called a "blaze", as in a fire. The metaphor is that a spark ignites the fire and you grind to work it into a blaze. My interest in this book is to improve my "grind"; I tend to come up with lots of ideas, but then I feel like I abandon them too qui